What is AstuteWheel?

Financial planning software used by premium advisers across Australia to provide a better level of advice to their clients in a way they can understand and value.

What is AstuteWheel?

In financial planning there are six interdependent areas of advice that all your clients need to address. When each of the six areas are functioning efficiently then the client achieves balance in their financial world, enabling you to improve their circumstances and limit their risk.

Client Engagement Process
What is AstuteWheel?

Don’t let compliance requirements paralyse your business.

Rather, use a client engagement system that provides an efficient adviser methodology, a valuable client journey and compliance embedded within the process.

Astute Users report:

  • They are achieving better fees for advice by demonstrating more value to clients
  • Their capacity to see more clients and write more business increased immediately
  • Client meetings are substantially more efficient, with better structure , deeper conversations and better client outcomes
  • Clients become rapidly engaged and commit in shorter timeframes
  • Most clients now rate their meetings as valuable and rewarding
  • Auto generated file notes means shorter paraplanner briefings
  • Advice automation results in less paraplanning hours per plan
  • Better client engagement generates more referrals from clients and COI’s
Financial Planning client portal

Automated information gathering

Clients prefer the convenience of digital forms and questionnaires and know it will make their meeting time productive and rewarding. With automated fact finding and exploration of client goals, essential documentation is gathered in hours, not days or weeks.

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Client education tools

Client education is crucial, yet even seasoned advisers can’t justify time to educate certain clients. Our included educational tools work because they facilitate rapid comprehension of complex financial concepts.

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Astute Financial Client Education Tools
Financial Advice Goals and Objectives

Client goals and scoping tools

In accordance with ASIC guidelines our latest toolset empowers advisers to accurately and rapidly map their clients goals and objectives and produce a thorough Scope of Advice document with automated ease. Goals can be tracked over time and archived when achieved. Quickly determine what’s in and out of scope with the Scoping Wizard.

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Six sets of interactive modelling calculators

Expand your capabilities as a professional planner and conduct interactive financial modelling in front of clients to visually demonstrate complex financial strategies. Add any one of these specialist financial calculators suites to your Astute Client Engager platform or take advantage of packaged collections in Astute Financial Planner.

Financial Modelling Calculators
Generate strategy papers & statements of advice

Generate strategy papers & statements of advice

Facilitates a comprehensive risk needs analysis with summary and file notes. Calculators include Life Insurance, Income Protection, Total and Permanent Disability, Trauma & Critical Illness. Add current policy and replacement product information and click “generate” to produce the SOA in seconds.

CRM Integration

AstuteWheel has API integration with Xplan via the Dash Integration Hub. You can also build your own Tech Stack using AstuteWheel for your business ‘front end’ client engagement tools and Dash’s CRM and SOA/ROA capability for your ‘back end’ needs. Then choose the Dash integration partners to complete your end-to-end requirements.

Astute CRM Integration
To find out more please contact us or book a live demonstration webinar
02 94 533 588
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