Strategy Modelling Calculators

Our strategy modelling calculators across all six areas of advice are designed for client facing live collaboration to quickly explain how financial strategies may improve the client’s financial position enabling them to make informed decisions.

Strategies can be stress tested by changing inputs and file notes created to confirm the depth of your discussion.

The agreed strategies can then be modelled in our cashflow calculators to determine the expected outcomes and tracked at each progress meeting.

Cashflow Calculators

Cashflow Calculators

  • Essentials Cashflow Modelling is quick and easy to use with clients or for SOA inclusion
  • Comprehensive Cashflow Modelling includes SMSF, Trust, Company and other modelling capabilities
  • Provide prospects with a comprehensive view of their financial future by modelling their expected outcome with:
    • No advice – ie. where are they currently headed
    • Various strategies included for comparison
    • Agreed strategies to proceed with
  • Determine the actual outcomes easily each year as clients update their financial and personal circumstances through their client portal.
  • Enhance your review meetings by tracking a client’s progress each year with actual outcomes v expected outcomes and add new strategies as required.
  • Create comprehensive review documents and file notes that can be used in your own SOA & ROA templates.

Income Calculators

  • Identify quickly how much tax a client is paying and their highest tax bracket to open a discussion on tax reduction strategies.
  • Demonstrate the effect of CGT on the sale of an asset and how this can be reduced.
  • Model the effect of income splitting strategies and how income producing assets can be purchased in the name of a lower taxed entity.

Investment Calculators

  • Compare and contrast investment options based on your client’s risk profile, tax rate and investment horizon.
  • Model lump sum investments, geared investments, savings plans, geared savings plans or a combination of each strategy.
  • Provide detailed investment property analysis to explain the benefits and risks of this major investment decision.

Debt Calculators

  • Compare and contrast various debt restructure strategies to determine the savings that can be achieved. Can all their debt be rolled into the mortgage, what is the difference in cashflow if you fix all or part of your debt, what if interest rates increase or decrease.
  • Model the effect of increasing your monthly debt payments, what payments are required to achieve a target date to eliminate your mortgage.
  • Demonstrate the benefits of a debt recycling strategy and why investment debt is different to personal debt.

Insurance Calculators

  • Guide your clients confidently through a comprehensive Insurance Needs Analysis process to determine the appropriate levels of insurance for their circumstances.
  • Provide a visual and transparent analysis of your recommendations for the client and as evidence of your process.
  • Complete Insurance reviews in minutes as client’s update their circumstances in the client portal and the calculators automatically update the changes and produce a new detailed needs analysis.
  • Create comprehensive file notes that can be used in your own SOA & ROA templates.

Retirement Calculators

  • Retirement outlook allows for simple modelling in minutes for initial or reviews meetings
  • Identify quickly whether a prospect has a retirement problem and if this should be part of your in-scope advice.
  • Compare various strategies to determine the impact on a client’s retirement outcome.
  • Model the effect of a holiday or one-off purchase easily when conducting a review for a retired client.
  • Determine expected age pension accurately for your client and strategies to improve their circumstances.

Estate Calculators

  • Provide clients with a video to educate them on estate planning terms.
  • Guide your clients through a structured process where they provide further information and make decisions about their estate needs.
  • Explain client expected outcomes as the system builds easy to understand visuals; family tree, entities diagram, estate outcome diagrams to enable clients to understand the outcomes they will achieve.
  • Generate a comprehensive briefing document instantly for the client to take to a lawyer outlining their circumstances and what they need their estate plan to accomplish. Alternatively send the information to an online lawyer for fast, low-cost results.

More advisers can now enter this previously specialised field of financial advice to provide a better level of service and an extra revenue stream for the business.

To find out more please contact us or book a live demonstration webinar
AstuteWheel Client Engagement Platform <i class="fas fa-phone mid-blue"></i> 02 94 533 588
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