How to stop wasting time

May 16, 2019 AEST

Hans Egger discusses how to stop wasting your time in a guest blog at The Independent Financial Adviser (IFA), a digital resource delivering analysis and business strategy to Australia’s financial planners.

Taking the time to understand and introduce a client engagement process that is modern and efficient can make an enormous difference to your practice. Not only will your client benefit, but your business will as well.

For the most part, a meeting with a financial planner involves co-ordinating diaries between husband and wife, taking time from work (and perhaps organising babysitters), driving to the office, paying for parking and then 60-90 minutes of meeting. For the client this can easily be a 2.5 to 3-hour exercise requiring a degree of planning.

To then provide a client with an inefficient meeting sends all the wrong messages and to expect them to repeat the exercise by asking for say three meetings, when two would suffice, could be the difference between a satisfied client and an ex-client.

Electronic data capture and transfer saves valuable time for both you and your client, whether it be for your initial meeting or review meetings, so ask your client to complete an online fact find before the meeting. Most will do it willingly, if they understand there is a benefit to them.

» Read the full article at IFA


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