Client engagement tools post FOFA

Financial Standard Online
May 30, 2012 AEST

A new Client engagement platform for financial planners has been launched with the aim of making it easier to engage with clients, over the internet as well as face to face.

The AstuteWheel – Financial Modelling Suite, is an online program that aims to both engage and educate clients, beginning before the client and planner have even met.

The program uses a suite of customised wealth calculator and projection tools to condense client information into easy to explain graphs and tables.

As FOFA brings a fee-for-service model closer, the software aims help advisers justify their service to clients, and engage clients with their financial plans.

The program allows potential clients to answer simple questions that gauge their needs before an initial meeting.

“Prospective clients complete a five-minute health check and online fact find, the results of which are delivered to the planner prior to the first meeting,” said the platform’s developer, Hans Egger.

“Needs have already been highlighted, by the prospect themselves, and it’s a much softer first experience than a 20-plus page fact find.

“The AstuteWheel and the suite of tools allow planners to very quickly and very simply explain the power of their financial planning services in a way which is, thanks to the information the planner has received via the online tools, already being tailored to the prospective client’s unique circumstances and needs.”

Adviser can contact a potential client armed with that information before the initial consultation.

“If we want people to more than just accept that they need a financial plan; if we want them to fully engage with the process on both an initial and ongoing basis, then we need a process and tools which are designed from the client’s perspective,” said Egger.

The platform is developed by Egger, a financial planner with 14 years’ experience and rolled out with the support of industry marketing specialist and business partner, Michael Topper.

AstuteWheel Client Engagement Platform <i class="fas fa-phone mid-blue"></i> 02 94 533 588
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