Xplan integration

Financial planners can now get a true end-to-end software solution with the strength of AstuteWheel’s client engagement tools and the power of Xplan’s CRM and Statement of Advice production.

Client data can now be easily transferred to Xplan to create the SOA’s, ROA’s and to take advantage of Xplan’s CRM capabilities. Information flows from questionnaires to the client database and then to each downstream tool providing efficiency for the adviser as well as capturing all the relevant compliance data. File notes and other documents generated through the AstuteWheel software can then be saved in Xplan to create your audit trail.

New clients

AstuteWheel allows new clients to better understand the extent of your service offering and how you can vastly improve their financial circumstances and achieve their goals.

Advisers who use the AstuteWheel process find new clients are much more likely to accept their offers because they see value and are willing to pay more.

The end-to-end process with new clients in 7 steps:

  1. Prospective clients provide information, prior to their first meeting, through online questionnaires; 5 Minute Financial Health Check, About You Questionnaire and Goals Questionnaire
  2. Advisers use this information to plan the meeting and explore the clients’ areas of concern as the client dashboard summarises the information provided.
  3. The Goals Based Advice Tool captures client goals and provides a process to explore the subject matter, re-state SMART goals, prioritise and track goals
  4. Advisers can easily identify where they can add value and the scope & scale of advice wizard is used to explain the depth and breadth of the advisers service offering.
  5. A Letter of Engagement is auto generated to capture the clients’ goals and the agreed scope of advice making it easy to determine a reasonable price and to phase the advice if required.
  6. Modelling calculators make it easy to identify the client’s current strategy and how this can be improved across the six areas of advice.
  7. An ongoing service agreement provides visuals to explain that financial planning is an ongoing process where changes in the clients’ circumstances, market conditions and rules around tax and super are reviewed each year to keep the plan relevant and the client on-track.

Review clients

Continuous justification of your fees now happens almost automatically. Why? Because clients are focussed and involved with how you are assisting them achieve their goals across all six areas of advice.

It’s also much easier to awaken disengaged clients when you introduce them to a new way of looking at financial planning. The client journey you can now provide is collaborative, educational and empowering.

  1. Prior to the review client’s complete the 5 Minute Financial Health Check, changes questionnaire and update their existing information through the reverse fact find.
  2. This information automatically updates to the client database and provides advisers with a report of all the changes and relevant information to identify where value can be added in the review.
  3. Your client dashboard summarises all this, goals are tracked and updated each year and any new advice can be scoped and priced.
  4. Modelling calculators allow strategies to be tracked and any changes in circumstances to be explored and new strategies agreed.
02 94 533 588
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