Astute Wealth Advice director Hans Egger enjoys overcoming client engagement problems by creating visual presentations and using interactive tools to explain the financial planning process to them.
Why financial advice?
I’ve always been intrigued by how the financial markets work and I’m naturally quite a giving and helping person so it seemed a natural fit.
How would you sum up advisers in three words?
Coach, counsellor, confidante.
How would you change the industry?
By developing a suite of client engagement tools to provide financial planners with a better way to interact with their clients, explain strategies and show value. I’d probably call it the AstuteWheel.
Best advice you’ve ever been given?
Get out of your comfort zone every once in a while.
What’s the most important thing an adviser can do to develop their business?
Never stop finding a better way to do things and make sure client meetings are a valuable experience for both you and your client.
If you were prime minister for one day, what would you do?
Make it illegal to drive at 10km below the speed limit (especially in 50 or 60 zones). Who are these people and why do they have licences?
What’s the biggest challenge facing the industry today?
Highly intelligent, highly qualified young planners who have never been taught how to sell.
What has been the highlight of your career?
Successfully launching the AstuteWheel – Client Engagement Platform.
NRL, AFL, soccer or other?
Go the Mariners and bring on the World Cup in Rio.
What’s your favoured style of coffee?
Long black, one sugar.
If you could invite three people to dinner, dead or alive, and excluding family and friends, who would they be and why?
Julius Caesar – what’s it like to rule the world?
General John Monash – how does a German-born Australian, Jewish, part-time soldier rise to become the Australian military commander (and some say almost Allied Forces commander) in WW1?
Brigadier Arnold Potts – What was it like to be at Gallipoli and also to command the fighting withdrawal at Kokoda (two of the greatest Australian military campaigns)?
Complete this sentence: If I wasn’t in advice, I would be…
Something cool like an astronaut, or perhaps a fireman… no wait, an arctic explorer.