Craig Buntain

Practice Development Manager

Craig Buntain - AstuteWheel

Craig has been in the Financial Planning industry for over 20 years. His focus is on helping his clients to set a ‘game plan’ and stick to it.

In that time Craig has filled every role within the investment, insurance, finance and financial planning of two Chartered Accounting firms. Craig is currently an owner of a boutique Financial Planning firm in Brisbane.

What this means is that he’s had exposure to lots of people and ideas from many different industries and backgrounds. As such Craig has developed an exceptional ability to listen to people, understand their needs and provide coaching and advice

As a Practice Development Manager Craig’s role is to take away the confusion and complexity of the new compliance-heavy financial planning world facing advisers today. Replacing them with smarter process to give better outcomes for advisers and their clients.

Outside the office Craig treasures spending time with his family and friends, preferably at the beach, where you see him battling the ocean on a surfboard or paddleboard.


  • FASEA Exam Passed
  • Certified Financial Planner ™
  • Diploma in Financial Planning (Deakin University)
  • Bachelor of Business (University of Queensland)
  • SMSF Accredited (Cavendish)
  • Associate Member SMSF Association
  • Margin Lending Accredited (Kaplan)
02 94 533 588
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