AustralianFintech discusses insurance planner

2018 Fintech Business Awards
July 5, 2018 AEST

Australian FinTech, Australia’s online space dedicated to discussing all things FinTech, covers the launch of Astute Insurance Planner.

Hans Egger, Managing Director of AstuteWheel said the future of insurance advice lies in the client being educated and owning the decisions they make around their insurances. “The solution allows clients to see, in real time, the difference their insurance will make and how it comes together to protect their wealth and interests,” he said.

Using Astute’s risk needs analysis calculator, the adviser leads the discussion by asking questions and the client decides if they want the insurance to cover certain areas or not. The client also decides on the amount they want covered. “Our process ensures that the insurance amounts are understood by the client and are determined by them in the needs analysis process.”

» Read the full article at Australian FinTech

To find out more about how insurance calculator suite can help your business go to the next level…

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