Practice Management

Set your practice settings, defaults and compliance checklists and monitor your FDS, KYC and other compliance requirements using the tracking and alerts functionality.

Workflows, tasks and compliance checklists streamline practice management processes, ensuring better advice delivery with greater efficiency. Customise your business settings and documents.

To monitor and review the practice using analytics and ratios features and determine and track your cost to serve and set pricing.

Practice Setup

Practice Setup

White label the software by adding your logo, business information and choose your colour pallet.

White label

Adviser Dashboard

Set your practice settings, your default assumptions and risk profiles.

Use the adviser activity dashboard, and the built in analytics and ratios to manage the practice.

Know Your Client

Know Your Client

Know your Client (KYC) data in the client database.

Questionnaire Templates

Included templates for the secure Client Portal:

Emotional Wellbeing

  • Financial Health Check
  • Goals Questionnaire
  • Risk Profile Questionnaire
  • Values Questionnaire
  • Life Areas Questionnaire
  • Risk Profile Questionnaire

Financial Information

  • About You Questionnaire
  • Budget Questionnaire
  • Electronic Reverse Fact Find
  • Fact Find Report
  • Pre-Insurance Questionnaire

Documents & Reports Templates

Documents and reports for each of the above questionnaires. Plus:

  • Fact Find
  • Initial Letter of Engagement
  • Letter of Engagement
  • File Notes
Ongoing Service Agreements & Fee Disclosure Statements

Ongoing Service Agreements & Fee Disclosure Statements

Monitor your Ongoing Service Agreements (OSA) Financial Disclosure Statements (FDS)

Practice Management

Monitor Practice Profitability

  • Calculate your cost to serve and set your pricing.
  • Monitor client and practice profitability.
  • Create compliance checklists and ensure that each step in the process is completed correctly.
  • Use the compliance tracking and alerts functionality.
To find out more please contact us or book a live demonstration webinar
AstuteWheel Client Engagement Platform <i class="fas fa-phone mid-blue"></i> 02 94 533 588
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